Monday, October 20, 2008

Buff Orpingtons

I went to Bismarck this weekend to visit some family. My Grandma and I ended up talking quite a bit. She told me that her Mom used to raise chickens and that she was so excited to hear we were getting Buff Orpingtons since that is what her Mom raised.

Yeah for carrying on a family tradition:) I guess my Great-Grandma had a hundred chickens in her yard! We can only have three...which seems much more manageable!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chicken Coop Ideas...

Here are the two chicken coops that we are using as a template for our soon-to-be chicken coop. We're going to anchor it to our cement slab in the backyard.
If anyone out there has advice or thoughts for us, please let me know!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

MN State Fair

The family headed to the State Fair this year. We had a blast looking at all the chickens. Here is a picture of Michael and Maya petting a little cute!

Monday, August 18, 2008

how now brown cow???

So today Dave sent me an email with this link and a note that said, "Wow, why stop with chickens?" I think Dave is crazy...

Friday, August 15, 2008


This blog will keep everyone updated on Project: Backyard Chickens.

According to our city ordinance, we can have up to 3 chickens in our yard. We plan to build our coop this fall and bring home our 3 little chickies in the spring. Right now we are in the planning stage. Dave and I have picked out a few designs for our chicken coop, but haven't settled quite yet.

Check back for more updates on the Flock of Three Gals!